
Weaver Of Webs

Programming the Human Mind

Introduction to ROTA


Programming the Human Mind

The Voice of Emotion,
at the Portal of the Moon,
speaks through the person,
of the Queen of the Throne of Tears,
Our Lady of the Lake.

A Sea Queen,
seated on a throne of broken seashells,
a starfish,
undulating creature of the sea:
reaching, holding, releasing, surrounding, parting.
Water within Water,
Emotion Imperative.

Receding Reflections

the empty mold, turned inside-out -
is the child.
Made in the image of its parents.

A distorted mirror of the Child's Eye View,
the quality degrades with each generation
like a picture of a picture,
each less focused than the last;
against an ever-changing background.

It never, ever ends.
Each generation carries on the Family Business.
and restructured,
and distorted,
and repeated.

The Voice of Practicality,
at the Portal of the Flesh,
speaks through the person,
of the Princess of Charms.
Amulets, talismans, bright shining baubles,
to ward against unknown, against unknowable.
Hostage to the future.
Earth within Earth,
Practicality Imperative.


I am the Child of the Body,
I am the Child of the Mind,
I hold before me two Images,
two charms,
two parents,
to ward me safe against the blows of life.

Two Images I hold,
two Images more important than the truth,
I will deny reality,
that my images shall protect me.

Two Images I hold,
two Images more important than the truth,
I will deny reality,
that my Images shall love me.

The Voice of Action,
at the Portal of the Flesh,
speaks through the person,
of the Lord of Tribes,
Knight of the House of Earth.
A tired, proud warrior, on a tired, proud horse.
Mindjewel, crystal of wholeness, foundation.
Fire within Earth,
Practicality controls Action.

Filling the Void

I hold in my hands a Void.
With my mind alone may I fill this Void.
With my mind alone may I build another

The Voice of the Mind,
at the At the Portal of the Sun,
speaks through the person,
of the Prince of Dawn,
Lord of the Chariot of Flames.

A Prince in bright armor,
a lion pulling a spinning chariot of sunbeams.
Crossed forearms,
fists and elbows,
interlocking notches,
spinning shield,
the bright and shining Sun,
Air within Fire,
Action colors Thought.


If the world cannot be made safe for children,
then the world will be destroyed by children.
Children wearing adult bodies.

You must tell the Children
that monsters don't have funny shapes or colors,
yet monsters masquerade in human skins,
and sometimes monsters hide within us.

We tell the monsters from the People,
by how they treat themselves and others.
We know the monsters hid within us,
by where we find the hidden voids.

You must tell the Children
their Deeds shall be their Name.
You must tell the Children
that nothing is forgotten.

To whom shall the programming be entrusted?

The Subject,
at the Portal of the Self,
at the Mirror of Infinity,
in the Hall of Mirrors,
in the Pavilion of Silence,
at the Crossroads of the Universe,
will speak for itself.
The voice of the Princess of Sword and Shield
speaks for the Subject.

A virgin wrapped in Ideas,
wielding the bright Sword of Truth
and the bright Shield of Love.
Earth within Air,
Thought rules Body.


I have no Children of the Body.
I hold in trust a Child of the Mind.

And children need a safe place
to Become.